I have felt for a long time that I needed to join a playgroup or get Madison involved with other kids, but aside from putting her in daycare (which isn't needed with me only working part time) I didn't know what to do.
I found the MOM's Club of Carlisle on the internet and contacted the group membership vice president last month. Madison and I went to our first event yesterday. I was so scared and nervous, I hate being "the new kid on the block" but we went and had a great time, I wish we could have stayed longer ( had to get home to wait for the Direct TV guy). The mom's were all really nice and accepting of Madison and I. We went to the William Grove Steam Engine Show (which is going on all weekend btw).
Madison got to ride a train for the first time. She LOVED it! She would bounce up and down on my lap every time the "conductor" blew the horn.

We walked around with the other moms and kids and looked at steam engines and a toy train set. We had a nice time, I hope the other mom's liked us. I always struggle in meeting new friends. Madison and I are looking forward to getting together with the
MOM's Club again in the new few weeks.
In other Madison news, she is just growing up so fast. Now when you sing "Old McDonald had a farm", she can finish the song by singing " e, i, e, i oh".
LOL she's too funny. I've been trying to catch it on video but have not been successful. She has a new favorite food, cheese ravioli. I made it for dinner the other night and she
literally couldn't eat it fast enough! More to come, Jim and I are off to a wedding tonight and Madison is having her first sleep over at her
grandmom Bennett's house. Tomorrow Madison and I are getting together with some of my other mommy friends for playing in the park and a lunch date, I can't wait!!!!